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Techwatch Magazine archive:

Issue 3: May 2012
The month’s news in brief, with feature news, and the following features:
- Windows Phones: will they take off this year?
- Windows Notebook buyers guide
- Backup solutions compared
Download: Techwatch magazine: May 2012

Issue 2: April 2012
The month’s news in brief, with feature news, and the following features:
- Parental software controls
- HDTV: 2012 and beyond
- The best free office software
- Retrotech: the Commodore 64
Download: Techwatch magazine: April 2012

Issue 1: March 2012
The month’s news in brief, with feature news, and the following features:
- all about the new third-generation iPad
- 10 Facebook scams to be aware of
- the best smartphones for 2012
- retrotech: the Spectrum 48k
Download: Techwatch magazine: March 2012

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ADa yang versi sduah diterjemahkan pak, sepertinya ity bahasa luar ya...

3 Oktober 2012 pukul 09.47 comment-delete

Itu versi terbaru gan, dan belum ada yang menerjemahkan.

4 Oktober 2012 pukul 05.32 comment-delete

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