Kali ini whitecyber team akan berbagi tips bagaimana cara membuat soal embeded dengan moodle :
Match the following cities with the correct state:
* San Francisco: {1:MULTICHOICE:=California#OK~Arizona#Wrong}
* Tucson: {1:MULTICHOICE:California#Wrong~%100%Arizona#OK}
* Los Angeles: {1:MULTICHOICE:=California#OK~Arizona#Wrong}
* Phoenix: {1:MULTICHOICE:%0%California#Wrong~=Arizona#OK}
The capital of France is {1:SHORTANSWER:%100%Paris#Congratulations!
~%50%Marseille#No, that is the second largest city in France (after
Paris).~*#Wrong answer. The capital of France is Paris, of course.}.
hasilnya adalah seperti ini :
Contoh selanjut nya :
This question consists of some text with an answer embedded right
here {1:MULTICHOICE:Wrong answer#Feedback for this wrong answer~Another
wrong answer#Feedback for the other wrong answer~=Correct
answer#Feedback for correct answer~%50%Answer that gives half the
credit#Feedback for half credit answer}
and right after that you will have to deal with this short answer
{1:SHORTANSWER:Wrong answer#Feedback for this wrong answer~=Correct
answer#Feedback for correct answer~%50%Answer that gives half the
credit#Feedback for half credit answer}
and finally we have a floating point number
{2:NUMERICAL:=23.8:0.1#Feedback for correct answer
23.8~%50%23.8:2#Feedback for half credit answer in the nearby region of
the correct answer}.
The multichoice question can also be shown in the vertical
display of the standard moodle multiple choice.
{2:MCV:1. Wrong answer#Feedback for this wrong answer~2. Another wrong
answer#Feedback for the other wrong answer~=3. Correct answer#Feedback
for correct answer~%50%4. Answer that gives half the credit#Feedback for
half credit answer}
Or in an horizontal display that is included here in a table
{2:MCH:a. Wrong answer#Feedback for this wrong answer~b. Another wrong
answer#Feedback for the other wrong answer~=c. Correct answer#Feedback
for correct answer~%50%d. Answer that gives half the credit#Feedback for
half credit answer}
A shortanswer question where case must match. Write moodle in
upper case letters {1:SHORTANSWER_C:moodle#Feedback for moodle in lower
case ~=MOODLE#Feedback for MOODLE in upper case ~%50%Moodle#Feedback for
only first letter in upper case}
Note that addresses like www.moodle.org and smileys :-) all work as normal:
a) How good is this? {:MULTICHOICE:=Yes#Correct~No#We have a different opinion}
b) What grade would you give it? {3:NUMERICAL:=3:2}
hasilnya adalah sebagai berikut :
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